The Early Pregnancy Class

The Early Pregnancy Class


Deciding to have a baby or finding out that you’re pregnant is very exciting, but can also be overwhelming. You may have lots of questions (and Google’s a nightmare) and it will be a fair few weeks until you see a midwife. 

This is why we created our Early Pregnancy Class. Hosted by Consultant Obstetrician, Miss Nicki Lack, and The Bump Class Host Mrs Camilla Stewart, we’ll teach you everything you need to know. It is suitable for those thinking about having a baby, or in their first two trimesters. 

The session includes:

  • An overview of the 40 weeks of pregnancy, the major milestones and how you will feel throughout.

  • What scans are recommended at what stage and why they are important.  We discuss the standard scans as well as those available privately.

  • Where can you give birth?  We discuss all your options, from private obstetrician led care to NHS Labour Ward deliveries, and everything in between.

  • Looking after yourself as your pregnancy develops and coping with pregnancy symptoms.

  • What foods you should be eating, what to avoid and why.

  • Illness in pregnancy – what over the counter medications are safe to take and when to see your doctor.

  • Participants receive a list of resources and recommended practitioners who specialise in pregnancy, as well as useful books for reference.

The Class: The Early Pregnancy Class will run at The Birth Company at 32 Wimpole Street. You are welcome to join us on Zoom, if that is helpful. The class lasts approximately 2 hours and costs £50.  The fee is refundable if you subsequently book onto the 8 week antenatal course and is free of charge for those who have already booked.

Who we are: The class is run by Miss Nicki Lack and Camilla Stewart.   Nicki is the labour ward lead at UCLH and a consultant obstetrician at UCLH and The Portland Hospital.  She is passionate about birth experience and communication, as well as being the mother of a young child.  Camilla provides the practical advice.  She is the Managing Director of The Bump Class, a host at Bump Class’s North Kensington and The Portland locations, and also the mother to four young children. 

Book your spot today above!